We are sure you'll be happy with your purchase, but always know that if for any reason you are not completely satisfied (sometimes a simple photograph cannot capture every aspect of an item) you can return the merchandise with 30 days for a full refund if its cost. We have exhibited at many Gay and Lesbian Pride and Rainbow Festivals, Gay and Lesbian Rodeos, Gay and Lesbian Pride, Rainbow and Business Expos, Gay and Lesbian Wedding Showcases, Gay and Lesbian Pride and Rainbow Street Fairs and other special Gay and Lesbian Pride and Rainbow Events (Leather Pride, Bear Pride, Dina Shore and White Party Palm Springs weekends, etc.). If you are not already familiar with JBP from our local and national gay and lesbian advertising, you should know that we have been crafting fine jewelry for not only our own store, but also for more than 200 gay and lesbian owned (or 'friendly') stores around the world since 1983. To quickly print out or to request our free brochure, click on the Catalog link in the page footer.
Items viewed here can be ordered using the order form available on-line, by telephone, or by requesting our brochures and mailing your order with payment.